Well the new water pump is in ready for Summer yippee! At last I can give this engine some stick without the worry of my fan coming off and chewing up a few hundred quids worth of parts under the bonnet!
The old pump was actually in really good condition for nearly 70k miles though it did have a black composite plastic looking impeller as expected. No obvious deteriorating on the internals though and no play in bearings.
Coolant came out clean with no bits in. Didn't take rad off in the end as no need but I'm happy that it is not sludged up given the way the coolant came out and its condition. The aux belt was also in new condition with no signs of cracking at all so it went back on.
The new pump from Unipart...
has a cast impeller. All works same as before with temp gauge sitting rock solid in centre and rad is still cool at bottom not really hot to the touch until near the top - guess its just the way it is then! As odd as it may seem to me. Ah well I'll just have to accept it then.
Hopefully no un-announced bearing failure induced fan detatchments for me