A few pics of our cruise,organised by Taffzee :-bd ,12 mths to the day from Jontimo`s eventfull cruise :-? Last year it was -8 this year a tarmac melting +10
This year
On our way to the Evo
Pause after the Evo to let Peteslags brakes cool down :twisted:
Fag break for Jim
Jamezee couldnt make it this year,QUOTE-nothing to do with Swamper comming :-?
Swamper did eventually join us after a few mods after an overheating problem.
This year
On our way to the Evo
Pause after the Evo to let Peteslags brakes cool down :twisted:
Fag break for Jim
Jamezee couldnt make it this year,QUOTE-nothing to do with Swamper comming :-?
Swamper did eventually join us after a few mods after an overheating problem.