Bird Poo Remover

black fingernail

Zorg Guru (I)
British Zeds
Dec 3, 2018
The English Riviera - Torquay
Model of Z
2.2 sport Individual Estoril
Around the west country, there is a big problem with bird poo. I shudder to think what the seagulls have been eating, but the poo turns into a solid concretion that is fairly water proof and contains lots of sand, so any rubbing will cause scratches.
I have found a simple, non harmful solution, I mixed 25% ordinary car shampoo with 75% water in a spray bottle. just spray onto the poo, then cover with kitchen roll or toilet paper, spray a bit onto that (to stop it drying out), then leave it for 1/2 an hour to soak, or longer if it has really baked on, then carefully remove paper, and hose it off with a hose pipe, a pressure washer will blast the sand content into the paint.


Zorg Expert (I)
The M44 Massive
Scottish Zeds
Apr 1, 2016
Maybole , South Ayrshire
Model of Z
Z3 Individual Dakar / Orinoco Individual
Another really good way is get a dish cloth soak in hot water place on affected area leave for 5 mins the wet and heat softens it for easy wash or wipe off.

black fingernail

Zorg Guru (I)
British Zeds
Dec 3, 2018
The English Riviera - Torquay
Model of Z
2.2 sport Individual Estoril
Maybe if it is fresh, even so, you would need to be very careful because of the sand content. I don't think they would touch it when it has dried on, it can be 1 to 2 mm thick! and like cement.


Zorg Expert (I)
The M44 Massive
Scottish Zeds
Apr 1, 2016
Maybole , South Ayrshire
Model of Z
Z3 Individual Dakar / Orinoco Individual
Another is according to Wd40 one of its 259 automotive uses is as a bird poo remover.


Zorg Guru (IV)
British Zeds
M Power
Dec 7, 2011
Model of Z
Z3 M Coupe
Funnily enough at Newby Hall on Sunday, within 5 mins of parking up my car was dive bombed by one of our feathered friends, it off loaded all over the roof and bonnet similar to the description of the droppings in the original post. Luckily for me the lad parked next to me had a spray bottle with baby shampoo & water which he was using to clean his car which he let me use to "power wash" the poo off. I had a damp microfibre which helped remove the remaining traces. I noticed later when it had all dried there was still a faint mark, I waited till I got home and took and hour to clean/polish the affected panels. I'll be taking a spray bottle with me another time to a car show in case it happens again.

black fingernail

Zorg Guru (I)
British Zeds
Dec 3, 2018
The English Riviera - Torquay
Model of Z
2.2 sport Individual Estoril
I think it's the lime content that burns the wax and eventually the paint, it is horrible stuff, but there is worse out there.[/QUOTE]

I'll elaborate, picture the scene, bimbling along in the beautiful south hams, with SWIMBO as passenger in my little 7. she had just lit a fag and had her hand dangling over the side, I swear I didn't see the cowpat, I was startled by a noise like my granddaughter eating broccoli, the front wheel had gone over it and deftly chucked it straight up her arm, up to her shoulder, I had to hose her off at the next garage, after hosing the car off of course, I didn't want marks on the alloy panels. ooh she did go on !


Zorg Guru (V)
British Zeds
Dec 5, 2011
Telford, Shropshire
Model of Z
Z3 - 2000 2.8 Roadster
You need some of this


My fiances old black mini used to get parked under a tree and was always covered in it. It completely ruined the paint to the point where the car would have needed a respray. Her new one has a purple roof and although the tree has now been taken down the birds have left a few deposits on the roof which have stained. It's horrible stuff, even leaving it on for just a couple of hours in sunlight is enough to ruin the paint. Keeping the car well protected with a few layers of wax and getting it off as soon as possible is the only way to try and prevent any damage. I keep a small bottle of quick detailer and a microfibre in the car incase it happens I can get it off straight away. I also put some in the fiances car but guess what, the bottle is still full :banghead: and she said at the weekend the car needed a blast just to get the bird s*** off that had been on there for weeks.