Hopefully a new Z3 owner soon!


Regular Member
May 13, 2022
Hi everyone, hope you are all well!

I’m going to look at Z3 tomorrow which I am really interested in. It’s a1997 1.9 in Atlanta Blue with the cream coloured interior. It’s 96k miles and look pretty good bodywise. Apart from the sills which I know can be a common area for rust, is there anything else I should be homing in on to check?

thanks all



Zorg Guru (IV)
British Zeds
Mar 15, 2014
Model of Z
Hi Adam - Welcome

At that age the usual stuff will need checking, Bushes, and suspension parts, brakes and the age of the tyres - these cars are often weekend toys and the tyres can be left longer than usual as they dont get used a lot - if you look at the side of the tyre wall you will see 2 sets of numbers in a box {XX/YY} The XX is the week number and the YY is the year of manufactor - so 33/15 would be July / August 2015. Most tyres need replacing after 6 years or so are they start to perish. Also, old tyres are massively responsible in most cases for any "tramlining" that you often experience.

Beyond that check under the carpet (the carpet is in 2 parts and overlaps under the seat). The top of the carpet may appear dry but if you put your fingers under the seta and inbetween the carpet joins you can feel the sponge underlay which will be wet if there is a leak.

Also check the boot for any wet marks.

Beyond that, usual things, state of the engine, no oil in the water, give it a good run (ask the owner to ensure its been warmed up first) and check MOTs for advisories and see if they have been resolved.

Good Luck


Regular Member
May 13, 2022
Thanks Bertie, are there any common areas with regards to leaks? I’ve never owned a convertible before, but I have owned a classic mini for 14 years and let me tell you they leak like a sieve! So above all just the usual car checks then?