I gave up half way through still fun though sticking with the britsHad in the bag yet mate, been trailing in 2nd all season.
About time, a result
Pos League
RankTeam Manager Pts 1 1 1 Grumps Racing DavePro Elite 309 2 2 1 Bwoah Racing Martyn 280 3 6 2 Multi 21 Seb NiallPro Elite 279 4 3 0 Team Smiffy Smiffy 249 5 7 0 The Scottish Sizzlers FraserPro Elite 227 6 11 0 Tomo77 Rob Thompson 221 7 4 0 IgamOgam Bombur 220 8 9 0 Jager Int M.D. Hart 219 9 10 0 Aston point force dustinb 213 10 5 0 Team Zedster Keith 209 11 12 0 Donnylad Monty 189 12 8 2 Team Westfield Andy 179 13 13 0 No team at all rodandkate
Meanwhile at Team WestfieldAbout time, a result![]()
It was because Merc refused to let it go the penalty held. All the other teams agreed to let it slide, and people question why I can't stand Merc, appalling behaviour, would have been interesting to see what would have happened if the boot was on the other foot?.What’s even more despicable to me is that Mercedes were actively planning to appeal if they weren’t give a penalty.
They should never have been given the penalty for battery replacement, Toto Wolf is an unbelievably mardy sod and saw light to get a Ferrari out of the danger zone. I really hope it back fires on them.it's amazing how F1 seems to be superb at controversy and stupid decisions.
In the light of the 10 place grid penalty, I think Ferrari should just sue the promoters responsible for the circuit, for damages. The cost of the damage to the car, the effects of using that bit of their capped annual budget and for an amount that a 10 place grid penalty is worth, however you quantify that!
Pos | League Rank | Team | Manager | Pts |
1 | 1 1 | Bwoah Racing | Martyn | 4522 |
2 | 2 1 | Grumps Racing | DavePro Elite | 4493 |
3 | 3 0 | Team Smiffy | Smiffy | 3908 |
4 | 4 0 | IgamOgam | Bombur | 3803 |
5 | 5 0 | Team Zedster | Keith | 3600 |
6 | 6 0 | Multi 21 Seb | NiallPro Elite | 3529 |
7 | 7 1 | Team Westfield | Andy | 3475 |
8 | 8 1 | The Scottish Sizzlers | FraserPro Elite | 3441 |
9 | 9 1 | Aston point force | dustinb | 3396 |
10 | 10 1 | Jager Int | M.D. Hart | 3372 |
11 | 11 0 | Tomo77 | Rob Thompson | 3280 |
12 | 12 0 | Donnylad | Monty | 3141 |
13 | 13 0 | No team at all | rodandkate | 2633 |
Pos | League Rank | Team | Manager | Pts |
1 | 1 1 | Bwoah Racing | Martyn | 212 |
2 | 2 1 | Grumps Racing | DavePro Elite | 172 |
3 | 9 1 | Aston point force | dustinb | 168 |
4 | 6 0 | Multi 21 Seb | NiallPro Elite | 167 |
5 | 3 0 | Team Smiffy | Smiffy | 153 |
6 | 12 0 | Donnylad | Monty | 150 |
7 | 7 1 | Team Westfield | Andy | 146 |
8 | 11 0 | Tomo77 | Rob Thompson | 145 |
9 | 10 1 | Jager Int | M.D. Hart | 118 |
10 | 5 0 | Team Zedster | Keith | 115 |
11 | 4 0 | IgamOgam | Bombur | 111 |
12 | 8 1 | The Scottish Sizzlers | FraserPro Elite | 94 |
13 | 13 0 | No team at all | rodandkate | 87 |