And this one , It may seem like nothing, and indeed was just a test of the goto mount. I would never find these without it.
NGC 5746 is the galaxy dead centre, below the star that is in our galaxy. but is actually 95,000,000 light years away, but if you look carefully, it has a few friends in the same frame..In the none forum unshrunk picture I count at least 11 galaxies, but a few are visible here.
This was only 4 images @ 60 seconds, next time out Im going to give it another go, because there are dozens of galaxies in this shot,
@Zephyr , kinda makes it worse huh...It does me. You realise of course that there are hundreds if not thousands of civilizations in this picture alone, and they are looking at us as we were 95,000,000 years in the past thinking, Nothing to see there, next..
![Rolls On Floor Laughing =)) =))](/assets/rofl.gif)